Galatians 6:1-5. “Bear one another burdens” -and our own.
Galatians 6:1-5. “Bear one another burdens” -and our own.
Paul continues his teaching on practical living, how should we live together as believers in Jesus Christ.
Still pointing out, don’t become proud, conceited, provoking one another envying one another. But walk in and by the Spirt, to the glory of God and love others as Christ has loved you.
And what to do when someone is caught in a transgression, Continuing form last week, that the ones that are walking in the Spirt are asked to help and restorethe anyone that are caught in transgression, (PPT a fall in to sin, stumbling)
Helping the person and doing it humbly in a spirt of gentleness (fruit), - and be aware not to fall in to temptations them self. (Don’t be careless, be awake, sober judgment about sin and temptation).
A question then could be then why should I or we help one in transgression, if I put my self at risk? – Paul replies in verse 2 “Bear one another’s burdens, - and that is to love as Jesus loved, help one another with the load, and do what Jesus commanded love one another. Then helping one another is loving and a way to help, and be like Christ. For fill the law of Christ. An encouragement to serve one another. (A Practical application of walking in the Spirt).
But Paul’s warning comes again in verse 3. It seems like Paul is concerned that the Galatians will overestimate them self, and warns against self-deception. If I am self desived how would I be able to help others? Paul points to verse 4, test your own work, and see what the work is. It from the Spirt? What works come out? Thinking clearly about oneself? (Boast of Christ work? In me?) (When I see all others sin very clearly it is a sign to test my own work, - why is others sin so clear? What does my work look like? Complaining, grumbling, frustration, irritation, outburst of anger, - hmmm, is that the work of Christ?) Testing my work, what is behind the work? Testing I am on Christ the soiled ground, or found a way off, to complain that others are not sinless, - but that was not my task, mine was to test my work, and not get overinflated, but boast in the Spirt that has worked in me, for the glory of Jesus Christ, so I can know God love for me and live it out, showing that to others.
5. Bear his own load. We are to help one another but still bear our own load, - so we can expect others to carry our load. We can’t say: look I read in Paul’s letters you have to serve me, and carry my load, - no, - it is the other way around, we are to be like Christ and bear others burden. Not expect others to carry ours.
In our context, I always get, suspicious when people are asking me or the church to do things for them as some of the first things they do when they come to our fellowship or by email, they don’t even know us, can you help me get a job, can you give me money, what programs do you have for children, can you move my couch? NO, - You are not apart, and you come to take, - no, that is not the encouragement Paul is given. – (Not here either, if you are here you are here to serve Jesus and the people, not to get served, come instead at serve with us.). This passage can and should not be used by people unwilling to serve, to put burdens on others, NO, it is clear we are to bear our own load.
And by the Spirt and love for Christ we might serve others. But we can’t command or expect others to carry our burdens, - it is and encouragement to be like Christ Jesus.
Then what? How has the gospel of Jesus Christ changed the way you live? The way you think, the way you serve? What did you hear as Paul encourages people to serve Jesus and his people? You can’t give what you don’t have, have you seen in Jesus Christ and recived, love, mercy, compassion, the Furit of the Spirt, - have you lived them out? Have others lived them out for you and helped you carry your burden?